Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cable talks JaMarcus

Cable gives Russell a nudge

Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell didn't exactly get a thumb's-up from his coach Tuesday.

Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell didn't exactly get a thumb's-up from coach Tom Cable on Tuesday.

After an evening at a work function, I just home and (finally) found in my Inbox a Tom Cable transcript from this morning's group interview at the NFL owner's meeting (thanks to my reporter friend who was in a sharing mood).

What jumped out at me the most was how Cable seemed to be calling out franchise quarterback JaMarcus Russell a bit. In essence, Cable said that Russell still must embrace the responsibility of being an NFL quarterback. He softened the blows by pointing to some encouraging signs, but also pointed to rookies Joe Flacco and Matt Ryan as examples of what could be early in one's career.

Cable struck the same theme during last season, particularly when Russell blew off a television production meeting before a Dec. 4 game at San Diego. The fact Cable is bringing it up again after Russell missed the first week of voluntary workouts could be his way of making sure his point is heard loud and clear.

Jay Cutler vs. Josh McDaniels, this isn't -- not even close (isn't nice for a different AFC West team to be the drama mama for once?). But, Cable clearly wants Russell to punch the clock more than he has been in two-plus NFL seasons and isn't afraid to say it.

Here are the Russell-related questions and answers out of Dana Point:

Q: Your impressions on JaMarcus so far?

A: "If he can accept the responsibility of being an NFL quarterback, I think that's working more, working harder, working longer than everybody else, accepting the responsibility that his teammates look to him as the face of the organization, that he has to go above and beyond almost on a daily basis, I think that comes with that position, whether that's right or wrong, that's what it is ... If he can accept that and become that, he'll be fine. He'll be great, I think. Has he done that? I think during the last six weeks he started to, during the season. I think thus far in the offseason he's been around more than ever. He was never around like this on his own, just watching tape, studying, so that's a step in the right direction. I think he has to embrace that, though, for him to be what he should be."

Q: You have that conversation with him?

A: "We did. We started meeting on Wednesdays during the season and sometimes we'd talk a little football, sometimes we'd talk about things other than football. Just getting him to, if you will, get by being that rookie with all that fortune and everything kind of thrown at him, you know, and get through that and get past that, if you will, to the next step, which is being a starting quarterback in the National Football League. And that's a responsibility, I think, that's greater than any young quarterback recognizes. And there's only been a few that have probably handled it well, like Peyton Manning, like the kid last year in Atlanta. Flacco, you'd probably have to put in that category. If you look at the numbers, many of them have that same kind of path, Year 2, Year 3, boom, here it comes. But I think all of them had one thing in common - they really embraced what it is to be the leader and be that guy, if you will."

Q: What kind of person is he? Does he want to be good?

A: "Oh yeah. He's very driven. I think he's a very passionate guy. He's certainly very motivated to not be a failure, to not be the kid from Mobile that couldn't get it done, all the hoopla, all the this and that. He doesn't want to be that. He wants to be the guy. And he's very driven."

Q: What does he need to work on to be better at the game itself?

A: "His footwork. Everybody thinks that's his fundamental issue but he's so big and when you're big like that everybody expects you to move quick like a Montana or somebody that's of smaller stature. He's not like that; I think there's some development there fundamentally that has to change. He's got a huge, huge arm. That's well documented. But that doesn't always get it where it's got to be. You've got to have good feet. And then his brain. You've got to keep training that brain and get that brain to a point where it makes its decisions on time."

** After a few Javon Walker questions (he's fine, etc.), someone asked about how Cable turned the season around, and how Russell seemed to rise to the occasion in the season finale at Tampa Bay. Cable answered by going back to his first comment of the interview, how Russell needs to be better prepared for those moments.

Cable was going out of his way to make this a point of emphasis when discussing Russell. I've seen coaches get goaded into certain answers, but this was Cable staying on point even when a reporter tried to throw Russell a bone (yes, we do that from time to time).

Q: Seems like JaMarcus liked having the game on his shoulders at the end?

A: "Sure. I know that about him. I know he likes that part but what I think we've got to get to ... he's got to accept the responsibility, as I mentioned. He's got to be prepared for those moments. It's one thing to throw it out there and think you're all that and, 'Hey, bring it on, it's two minutes and 28 seconds to go and we need a field goal, watch this.' That's great bravado. But he's got to be prepared to do those things. He's got to be prepared to be great in those moments. And that's what I'm talking about."

Q: You've talked about Russell needing to accept responsibilities. Was he ever like that?

A: "In college, it's easy. At this level, I think there's so much on that position, so much you ask him to do. That's why they're so critical to your success. You really look at it and it's him wanting to be as good as he can be and understanding what it takes to do that. I think that's normal."

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